Mom uses LifeVac to save her 2 year old son #450

2-Year-Old Chokes and is Saved by Mom with LifeVac – #450

LifeVac is delighted to share news of our 450th life saved

On August 11th this precious 2-year-old boy choked on a block of ice from sorbet causing a total obstruction.

Here is the mother’s testimonial:

“I tried back blows first and when my son was still panicking and clearly couldn’t breathe, I pulled the LifeVac out and laid him on his back.  I used the device and the chunk of ice from sorbet shot out into the LifeVac. He was able to breathe right after! “Never thought we would have to use the device”

It absolutely saved his life!

450th life saved by lifevac

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