Tag Archives: Child Choking

1-Year-Old-Boy Saved by LifeVac by a Good Samaritan – #533

LifeVac is honored to announce the details of our 533rd life saved. A 1-year-old boy was saved after choking on a clementine wedge, thanks to his neighbor’s quick thinking with LifeVac. “My neighbor’s baby was choking, and we drove by while his father was performing back blows. I had the LifeVac in my diaper bag… Read more

10-Month-Old-Girl Saved by LifeVac – #530

LifeVac is thrilled to share the details of our 530th life saved. A 10-month-old girl was saved by LifeVac after choking on a yogurt drop snack. She was turning blue, and when finger sweeps did not help, her mother reached for her LifeVac. “The yogurt snacked melted/gummed up and completely closed up her airway. After… Read more

1-Year-Old-Boy Saved by LifeVac – #529

LifeVac is proud to share the details of our 529th life saved. A 1-year-old boy was saved thanks to LifeVac after choking on an apple. “We have had our LifeVac for a little over a year, and today it was used successfully to remove a piece of apple from a 1-year-old family member at our… Read more

15-Year-Old-Boy Saved by LifeVac in School – #525

LifeVac is honored to share the story of our 525th life saved. A 15-year-old boy with special needs choked on a grilled cheese sandwich while in school. The sandwich had thick cheese and partially obstructed his airway. BLS protocol was initiated, and the Heimlich maneuver was performed. The Heimlich was not working, and the LifeVac… Read more

13-Year-Old-Boy Saved by LifeVac – #523

LifeVac is proud to share the story of our 523rd saved life. A 13-year-old boy was saved by LifeVac after choking on a piece of a Hamburger. According to his mother, he has multiple medical issues and a small trachea, requiring a lot of supervision and care. Despite the hamburger being cut into small pieces,… Read more

80-Year-Old-Female-Saved by Police Department’s use of LifeVac – #522

LifeVac is happy to share details of our 522nd life saved. An 80-year-old nursing home resident was saved by LifeVac after a choking incident. While eating dinner, the patient choked on chicken and French fries, which caused a total obstruction in her airway. Nursing home staff acted immediately and began protocol with the Heimlich maneuver,… Read more

16-Month-Old-Boy Saved Thanks to LifeVac – #519

LifeVac is proud to share details of our 519th life saved. A 16-month-old-boy choked on cooked carrots and was saved with LifeVac. The boy’s mother saw him put the full carrot in his mouth, and immediately noticed he was not breathing properly. She called for her husband upstairs who was a fire department lieutenant and… Read more

LifeVac Saves Boy in Elementary School- #506

LifeVac is delighted to share details of our 506th life saved. A 5-year-old boy at an Elementary School in Connecticut started choking on thick while having a febrile seizure. The patient went unconscious.  We are so thankful this school had a LifeVac on hand. “One strong pull dislodged the mucus clot allowing the patient to breathe without… Read more

LifeVac Saves 58th Life – 3 Year Old Girl

We are so excited when we receive these reports of a saved life using LifeVac. This is why we do what we do each day. Below is the report from the mother of a 3-year-old girl.   “I have never in my life been so thankful to have a product in my house. Both I… Read more