Tag Archives: Save someone choking

LifeVac saves it’s youngest life, 3-week-old girl

Infant saved from choking with LifeVac anti-choking device

On November 13th LifeVac was used to save the life of 3-week-old, Audrey Johnson, the youngest life saved!  The infant’s airway was fully obstructed and she was turning blue.  She was unable to breathe due to the combination of thick mucus and gripe water.  Infant choking rescue procedures were performed but were not working.  Jerad,… Read more

LifeVac Registers 32nd Saved Life from Choking

On September 16th, LifeVac was informed of saving our 32nd life, our first child saved in the UK. On Saturday the 14th of September, Mark and his wife were enjoying dinner with their 11-month-old son Oscar. Oscar was eating chopped up tuna and pasta when he put too much food in his mouth and began to… Read more

3 Year Old Child Saved after Choking on Hot Dog


        Fourlis Group of Companies, being the exclusive franchisee of IDEA trademark in Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria, through its Risk Assessment Committee evaluates all kind of risks among others related to sudden and unforeseen medical emergencies like Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Choking and, for that reason, has installed in all of its… Read more